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About Me

My name is Theingar Aung Than. I am currently studying my final year in Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at University of Technology Sydney. I am an international student who is originated from Myanmar and specialising in health technologies and automation in the stream of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. I grew up in a small town in Myanmar, a developing country, and I did not have direct touches to new technologies. All of my interests in this engineering field were born by the programmes on radio, in which the hosts talk about the up-to-date technologies. I always wanted to know how the electronic gadgets at home and how to fix them when they did not work properly. By the time I stepped into high school, physics and maths became my favourite subjects and I dreamt about becoming an inventor of new technologies. Among many specialisations in engineering, I chose Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering because it is similar to robotics and it is wider than that. I am intere